Thank you for your support!

Nate Schatzline is running for Texas State House Representative to serve the people of District 93. Join our team, share the campaign, or make a donation here.

We can’t do this without your help. Donate now to support the campaign for District 93.

sign up to serve

Early voting starts May 16th!

From Monday, May 16th to Friday, May 20th, we want to flood the polls with overwhelming support for

Nate Schatzline! If you have any time to spare during those days, please sign up to stand at the polls with Nate!

Nate is ready to fight for you in Austin but he needs you to fight for him now to get him there! We are so close to the finish line - we can't wait to cross it with YOU!

If you would like to sign up to stand with Nate, click the button below!
at a polling location

HD93 Polling Locations

Villages of Woodland Springs // 12209 Timberland Blvd, FW, TX, 76244

Keller Town Hall // 1100 Bear Creek Pkwy, Keller, TX, 76248

Diamond Hill/Jarvis Branch Library // 1300 NE 35th St., FW, TX, 76106

Summer Glen Library // 4205 Basswood Blvd, FW, TX, 76137

Legacy Learning Center // 501 School House Rd., Haslet, TX, 76052

Support Team Checklist

Here are a few ways you can help right now.



Follow + Share the campaign on Instagram + Facebook.


Step 2

Sign up to join our Support Team, receive email updates, and campaign info.


Step 3

Show your support by requesting a Yard Sign for your lawn.


sign up here to join our team

Join a group of passionate people who are ready to see change in District 93!